The Smug Elite Can Take Their Cake and Shove It!

Beau Carter
2 min readSep 24, 2023


Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

Good morning folks, Beau Carter here.

Now I don’t know about y’all, but I am fired up this morning! I just read the dangdest thing in my news feed — seems those highfalutin academics in their ivory towers think we country folks don’t understand inflation.

They think us southerners are just a bunch of dumb hicks who can’t comprehend their fancy economic theories.

Well let me tell you, folks, we may not have fancy PhDs but we’ve got good old common sense! We know when prices have shot up because we’re the ones trying to put food on the table and gas in our trucks. We don’t need no textbook to tell us our wallets are emptier than a buck’s bed during hunting season.

And then these smug elites have the audacity to essentially say “Let them eat cake!” As if we’re just too ignorant to understand that inflation is actually good for us. Now don’t get me wrong, I like cake as much as the next person. But it sure as heck don’t fill up my family at the dinner table. And it definitely don’t put no lead in my shotgun when I’m out hunting quail.

So here’s what I say to those elite economists and professors — take your cake and shove it! We country folk are smarter than you think. We know when times are tough and our bank accounts are busted. We ain’t fooled one bit by your fancy spin.

So keep your cake, and maybe try listening to the American people for once instead of looking down your nose at us. We’re the heart and soul of this great country, and you best not forget it!



Beau Carter

Howdy! I'm a southern boy who loves the outdoors. Hunting, camping, fishing, you name it, I do it. Ain't nothin' like being in nature & enjoyin' God's creation.