The Good Book That Every Southern Kid Oughta Read Before Growin’ Up

Beau Carter
2 min readSep 24, 2023


Photo by Rachel Strong on Unsplash

Well howdy folks!

Now I know some of y’all might think the only book a Southern kid needs is one on huntin’ and fishin’, but I’m here to tell ya there’s one old book that’s even more important — the Bible!

That’s right, the Good Book itself. I know the Bible might not sound too excitin’ at first, but let me tell ya, it’s chock full of adventure, drama, and good ole fashioned Southern values. From Genesis to Revelation, it’s got stories of creation, betrayal, miracles, redemption — more action than an afternoon fishin’ on the bayou!

And it ain’t just great stories either. The Bible shaped this country and made it the Christian democracy our Founding Fathers intended. Our history, laws, values — they all come straight from its pages. Without the Bible, we’d be more mixed up than a pack of squirrels in a cyclone.

Now I ain’t saying we gotta preach it in schools or nothin’. But readin’ the Bible as a piece of history and literature just makes sense. It gave us everything from Shakespeare to Martin Luther King Jr’s speeches. Heck, even Abe Lincoln himself said it’s the best book around!

So before your young’uns grow up and start adultin’, be sure to put a Bible in their hands. Let ’em learn about Moses partin’ that Red Sea or Jesus turnin’ water into wine. The stories will capture their imaginations while the values sink into their hearts. After all, the Good Book has gotten us Southern folks through thick and thin. It’ll guide your kids too, wherever life takes ‘em.

Well that’s my two cents. Hope you enjoyed this little chat. Maybe we’ll bump into each other someday fishin’ down by the river. Y’all stay blessed now, ya hear?



Beau Carter

Howdy! I'm a southern boy who loves the outdoors. Hunting, camping, fishing, you name it, I do it. Ain't nothin' like being in nature & enjoyin' God's creation.